IP Sextant studio
IP Sextant studio
Innovating is not enough
without protection
The sextant is an instrument used to find the position of a vessel.
IP Sextant is an instrument to find the position of your innovatory business.
We help you protect and enhance your ideas.
We provide technical and legal advice
on intellectual property rights
The firm IP Sextant was founded in 2012
Protect your innovation and stay ahead of the competition

In a constantly evolving world, the protection of Intellectual Property, IP, has become crucial for companies wishing to preserve and capitalise on their creative heritage. The firm IP SEXTANT is a reliable lighthouse in the vast sea of solutions for the management and filing of Intellectual Property rights.

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower"
Steve Jobs
Who we are
The sextant is a tool for finding the position of a vessel.

We provide legal and technical advice on IP rights, which include patents, trademarks and geographical indications, designs, copyrights, trade secrets, plant varieties, utility models, and topographies of semiconductor products.

Our professionals are authorised representative in the proceedings before the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM), before the European Patent Office (EPO), and before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

We assist you in planning the best route on the IP law to safely steer your business to success.


Always be updated on the world of Intellectual Property in Italy and abroad. Provide the client with a personalized consultancy.
Fairness and transparency in relations with the client.


We carry out our work with expertise, diligence and passion. We have the skills and experience to help our clients protect ad exploit their Intellectual Property rights in all areas of Intellectual Property.


Thanks to a close-knit group of professionals, with decades of experience, a dense network of relationships with foreign correspondents and collaboration with lawyers and accountants specializing in Intellectual Property, we are able to obtain and manage IP rights in Italy and abroad, defend and enforce them against third parties and exploit their economic value as a company asset. IP Sextant professionals are UIBMEUIPO and WIPO certified.


We guarantee personalised advice. When a company, or an individual or a public body, turns to us, we try to understand its business reality in order to provide strategies for the valorisation and protection of ideas and projects, which also contribute to the creation of an IP portfolio capable of increasing the value of the company and its competitiveness.

Ask for advice

We provide a full range of Intellectual Property services.